
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Diigo Bookmarks (weekly)

  • tags: personalized learning montessori blogpost

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  • tags: blogpost future ready automation teaching

    • What technophiles forget, neglect, trip over—pick a verb–are the multiple purposes for tax-supported schools in a democracy. They and many others futurists err—my verb choice—in equating access to information with becoming educated. The purpose of schooling is reduced to acquiring information.
    • Googled facts do not add up to knowing something.
    • Tax-supported public schools have been and are social, political, and moral institutions whose historic job has been to help children and youth acquire multiple literacies, enter the labor market well prepared, vote, serve on juries, contribute to their communities, think for themselves, and live full and worthwhile lives.
    • Few policymakers, philanthropists, technology futurists have challenged (or are willing to challenge) the swelling embrace of automated instruction that promise transforming schools into information factories.
    • Effective teaching, like work in other helping professions such as medicine, social work, and religious counseling is anchored in relationships. Those student/teacher relationships convert information into knowledge and, on occasion, knowledge into wisdom about the self and world. Teachers, then, from preschool through high school  are far more than deliverers of information.
    • No software program that I know has algorithms that either make instantaneous decisions when events pop up unexpectedly or split-second moral decisions.
    • So, because of multiple purposes for schooling and the daily press of classroom decisions, I believe that automation of teaching is not around the corner.
  • Ting Vogel - Director of Technology

    tags: blended learning blogpost edtech schools

  • tags: blogpost tools design thinking

  • tags: blogpost tools history African_American race

  • tags: blogpost google apps presentation

  • Harvard Law

    tags: blogpost sped

    • 15-year-old had the kind of PTSD that is suffered by combat soldiers
    • Trauma and Learning Policy Initiative, a collaboration between Massachusetts Advocates for Children and HLS
    • Education Law Clinic, where children and their families can get legal help securing education services
    • linked childhood trauma to developmental problems. Its victims, they have found, are often unable to focus on learning or to trust adults. They often suffer from hopelessness, lack of control and diminished self-worth. Remembering traumatic experiences triggers anxiety that suppresses the area of the brain associated with language, making it difficult for them to communicate effectively.
    • children who experienced trauma were two to four times more likely to skip school, act out or bring other problems to the classroom
    • U.S. schools suspend more than 3.3 million students annually, according to the National Education Policy Center, 95 percent for reasons other than using drugs or carrying weapons.
    • landmark publication “Helping Traumatized Children Learn,” which came out in 2005. Colloquially known as the Purple Book, it has become a go-to resource for educators, advocates, and parents, and has been bought or downloaded more than 100,000 times, with requests for translated editions coming from as far afield as Brazil and the Netherlands.
    • In an elementary school in Brockton, south of Boston, educators got a graphic representation of the issues many of their students were facing when a social worker from the district attorney’s office superimposed the coordinates of gun and drug offenses over a map of the school district. Gasps were heard in the room, the principal, Ryan Powers, later recounted for a New York Times blog. But then the teachers went to work. For students who had trouble grappling with their emotions, they set up beanbag chairs in quiet corners, gave them headphones to listen to classical music or excused them from class to go for walks. Police began letting schools know when they visited an address where children live so counselors could look out for problems. Eisner and Ristuccia worked closely with the school, and after two years of integrating this new approach, the number of students sent to the principal’s office with discipline problems plummeted by 75 percent.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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